Monday, 15 March 2010



Is immigration a good thing? Discuss.

Immigration can be defined as the movement of people to new countries and cultures, especially from poorer to richer countries. Immigration is increasing around the world, with an estimated 200 million migrants worldwide according to the International Migration Organisation, and the tendency is increasing.

So is immigration a good thing? The answer depends on a number of factors such as the reason for immigrating. Many people were attracted to Europe and the USA to help the economies which boomed after the sceond world war. Others acame to places like Britain as they had attained British citizenship in the colonies. All of these people brought skills from the their countries of birth, which resulted in a skills shortage in those nations.

In times of recession, foreign workers and even immigrants tend to have to return to their old countries as jobs dry up. They are often at the front line when it comes to job loses and are often targeted by racists who acuse them of stealing their work.

While you can differentiate between legal and illegal migrants, most immigration is due to economic reasons, with asylum seekers making up the minority. Why? There are many reasons for immigration: Jobs, health care, medication. money, wars, persecution and love. For many there is simply no perspective in the home country. Climate change is also becoming an increasing factor and will be of major concern as the planet heats up.

Issues which affect immigrants include integration into society, leanring a new language for example being one of the most important challenges. A lack of integration can lead to isolution from society and is one other cause of racism.

What is the percentage of immigrants in Germany? According to wikipedia, Germany has the third highest percentage of immigrants wolrdwide (CIA State of World Population 2006 report ). The MPI puts this figure at 8.9% of the population. In the UK this percentage is much lower at 5.2%.

The flip side of the coin is emigration, which is often for similar, but also other reasons, such as reitred people moving to warmer climates. Many Germans emigrate to France, the USA, Canada, or Australia for example.

There has been an increasingly strong response to immigration across the globe with countries like the USA increasing controls on many of it's borders. The Mexican border for example is being fenced off and large numbers of patrols and surveillence equipment are being employed. In Europe the internal borders have been removed and the focus placed on creating a Fortress Europe – Frontex being the organistion responsible for patrolling the borders of Europe.

Like it, or not immigration is on the increase. In the past migrant workers have helped build up the economies of the world's industrialised nations. To oppose immigration when times get hard, or worse to seek to blame immigrants is not only hypocritical, it is inhuman.

Fortress EuropeFrontex


  1. Immigration
    As we now from the history, human has always moved from one point to the next one. The reasons had been pretty easy they where looking for foot and better weather condition. It took them month to cover more then 500 kilometers and years to arrive in an area with get them what they looked for, food, worm whether and enough water. By this way they cross thousands of kilometers in ever larger groups till they found the right place and the possibility to make fire and stay at the place forever. All other groups which try to reach them new area had been immigrants.
    Immigration was and is till nowadays a movement of people to new places/ countries which are looking for a better place to live. Nowadays it is the need for wealth with motivated people from poor countries to move to the reach one like the USA, Canada, West Europe, and Australia.
    Immigration was in the beginning of the 50th a welcome political and economical strategy to produce made in Germany products. Thousands of guest workers came to Germany and support them boom economy after the second war. Most of them get feel welcome in Germany and decided to stay forever, they brought them family members to Germany and start a new life.
    That’s pretty long time ago and the situation change and is a complete different one nowadays. Today the is no need for guest workers in Germany the figures of unemployment in time of world economy crises rise up and do not allowed this.
    Those Issues rise up illegal migration in wealth economy countries. The big problem of illegal migration is rice of crime and prostitution in those countries. In Italy the illegal migrants are working for the organized crime named mafia. Drugs, prostitution, child trafficking are welcome job offers and not only in Italy offered to the migrations from poor countries like Africa, South America, Russia and a lot of east Europe courtiers.
    Germany is still a very popular country for immigrants the reasons are the social services like unemployment payment, free heath insurance. Immigration in Germany is getting to be a quite big problem one of the very often discussed topics is the different believes cultures like the immigrants from Turkey which have serious problems to get settle down in the German way of live.
    According to the last European election 2009 where a lot of far right parties achieved good refolds and a lot seats in the European Parliament. Hostility to foreigners raised up in the last years and far right parties get more and more popular in wealth countries like Germany, Italy or Great Britain like the British National Party (BNP) just to named one of it. They are against immigration and wont them see out of them country. It´s important to have freedom of speech and the possibility to elect whom we want and whom not, that’s the main part of democracy.
    But in my view this parties are very dangerous for the democracy and have just one focus topic: immigration. They argue the immigrants take the jobs or support the crime.
    This looks like a national problem but it isn’t and should be discussed as a global/ international problem which has to be solved. Immigration should be controlled national if a country have a need for workers form abroad should it be allowed to let they in and give them the chance to be a part of the nation. If the is no need the wealth counties should pay more money as they are doing this already and try to solved the economy/ political problems in this countries. If we support the poor countries and show the people how to handle/ manage them problems like the Americans, French and Britain did this after the second world war this people will stay in them countries and be grateful and stop to attack the wealth counties by terror.

  2. Is immigration a good thing?

    Part 1

    Before I will start to discuss I have to explain what immigration means. An Immigrant is someone who leaves the country he lived in to start a new life in a new country. In the country he left he is called an immigrant.
    In tens of thousands of years of human history, man has always moved and immigrated. Settled existence historically is unusual, migration a part of normal human existence.
    There are a lot of causes for immigration. For example culture, politic, economy, religion, demographic, ecology, ethnic and social. But there are no causes without consequences. The main areas benefit in some cases of migration. For example, by the discharge of potential conflict, the reduction of population density, the migration of religious, ethnic an national minorities rejected out migration of the unemployed. And of course the money which will be transferred from the emigrants back home turns in some poor countries a significant proportion of national income.
    In contrast, the migration of the most active and most skilled workers is often detrimental to the development of a state. The consequences of immigration vary from country to country. In most cases, the "foreigners" who claim a place in the life of their new home will be rejected. Problems of the residents are that immigrants tend to appear as competitors for the job or government benefits, and they are perceived as threats to ethnic unity, national security and cultural identity.
    The main reason to immigrant is to hope for better working conditions. But that is also the main problem for the immigrants and for the country of immigration. Work seems to be the best chance for integration. A working immigrant is independent, connects with the country´s host society and so they can improve the language. But even if they have a work permit to come to terms with many of the domestic labor market, since the species is able to seek employment to be quite different than in their home country. Often the professional training in the country of asylum is not accepted or there is no need for the labor market. Finding an accommodation in the host country is difficult because the funds usually are not sufficient to rent an apartment.
    Changes in living conditions of migrants will depend on what conditions they find in the regions in which they migrate, whether they come as conquerors, job seekers, political refugees or exiles and whether they create new life as individuals in a social context or as a whole group of people.

  3. Part 2

    The fear of foreign infiltration stoking xenophobia and is a breeding ground for right-wing extremism. Many give the foreigners the blame for the crisis of the welfare state and for the difficult economic situation. Although this argument obviously does not stand up to reality, is thus created a climate conducive to the integration more difficult. The theme of migration and its side effects should be discussed objectively and without emotion. I think everybody knows that this is anything but simple.
    According to the World Bank Group estimates that in 2005 all over the world were approximately 190 million people in states where they are not born. Five and accordingly fifteen years earlier this figure was still at 174 and 155 million. 54 percent of all immigrants live in just ten states, 32 percent in the U.S., Russia and Germany.
    Germany has always been a country of immigration. Even in the 19th Century, when 5.5 million people are immigrating to America, about 20 percent return. Since the 1880 the rate of immigration is higher than that of emigration. Since 2003 Germany has delivered almost 180,000 citizens of other OECD countries. The German emigration has increased rapidly in recent years. For more than 15 years the number of emigrants exceeds to the returnees. And the number of immigrants decreases.
    In the last few months nine scientists from the German Council of Economic Expertshave investigated in how far migration, immigration and integration changed the workforce in Germany. The conclusion of the information paper "personnel potential of the German Company” is alarming. Every year, tens of thousands walk from many well-qualified Germans in the best working age, only a few of them returns.
    Immigration can be a good thing but even a bad thing. It depends on the locals, the immigrants and the politics. It must be clear, which possibilities for integration are given and in how far the immigrant wants to integrate. Of course, the professional qualifications are a main topic for a successful integration, as I explained above. It cannot work if all the qualified examinees emigrate from Germany to get better working conditions in other countries and whether unqualified immigrate to Germany or the qualified immigrants are not allowed to do jobs which match their professional qualifications because of different laws according to prestigious exams or awards.

  4. Immigration

    Is immigration a good thing or not?

    The first question is: What is immigration?

    Immigration is the movement of poor people to richer countries and cultures.
    The tendency of immigration is increasing daily.

    It’s difficult to explain if it is good or not.

    Actually we have more than 300 million migrants around the world.
    Europe has the most immigrants with over 70 million people.

    I think that we have to differentiate between legal and illegal migrants.
    The most immigration is due to economic reasons.
    Before 50 years, they helped us to rebuild the cities but now we see problems in their presence.

    The reasons for the immigrants are: better health care, medication, more money, and work.

    The most of them have no perspective in their own country.
    So, they have to search other possibilities in other countries for a better live.

    I think immigration is a good thing because we need to help the poorer people who do not have as much luck as we.

    But they have to learn the language and to work, they should not be lazy and take advantage of the new land.

    Immigration is not only good for the poor people but also for the rich people as they learn about new cultures and can also learn much about other countries.

    So immigration is definitive a good thing for me!

  5. Immigration

    Is immigration a good thing?

    Immigration is the introduction of new people into a habitat or population. The International Organization for Migration said there are more than 300 million migrants around the world today. In Europe there is the largest number of immigrants with 70.6 million people (in 2005). Year by year there are more immigrants in the world. According to the United Nations, there were about 191 million international migrants worldwide. Those are three percent of the whole world population. This is a rise of 26 million people from 1990 to 2005. Sixty percent of these immigrants are living now in developed countries. This happened just because of a fall of the refugees. The numbers of people living in a foreign country since their birth will rise in the future.

    There are some reasons why people immigrate to another country. One point for example is the pursuit of the fugitives. They flee because of the war or because of a natural disaster. But there are also other reasons why refugees fee from their country. Maybe they leaved their native country because they got ill-treat or got a torture.

    There are also “other” Migrants. An economic migrant for example is distinct from someone who is a refugee fleeing persecution. An economic migrant can be someone from the United States immigrating to the UK or in reverse. There are a lot of countries having immigration and visa restrictions which ban that people enter a country for the purpose of gaining work without a valid or a visa. Persons who are declared an economic migrant can be refused entry into a country.
    In 2005 the EU had a gain of +1.8 million people. Those are almost 85% of Europe's total population growth in 2005.

    Another reason is that people who are living in Germany want to immigrate into a country where the weather is better than in their home country. Everybody knows that there is bad weather in Germany. So, I can feel with this people that are moving to another country because of this reason. I think the most people who are moving to another country because of this reason go to south Europe, South America, Australia or North Africa.

    Furthermore, people immigrate into another country because of their jobs. Some people who are living e.g. in Russia maybe will get a better job in Germany. It is possible that young people don’t get a training course in their home town. A lot of Russians are of German origin and they hope to get a better life in Germany. Another fact is that the standart of living in Russia is not that like in Germany

    In 2006 about 18.242 Germans migrated into Swiss. Switzerland has, statistically looked, from year to year a bigger and bigger immigration from german people.

    I think that Immigration is a good thing for people who are living in a Third World Country. It is possible that they have a chance to get a better life when they immigrate in anothor country like Germany or the USA that are more developed. But I also would immigrate to another country. If I would have the chance to get a better job in a state that is far away I also would immigrate. Maybe I will find a big love that moves to Africa because of her job. That would be a reason for me to follow her and leav Germany.

  6. Immigration is a subject, which is discussed every day in our society. I guess nobody would say, that immigration is a bad thing. People who are hunted, driven out or simply are searching for a better life in another country are glad to find a new place for their life. Wouldn’t we be glad too, if we were straitened in our country and another country on this world would give us a secure home?
    Most immigration is due to economic reasons. People from Africa for example couldn’t imagine how wealthy and easy it is to life in our countries. Well, our population itself doesn’t really realise how “good” we’re living.
    When such an African immigrates to Germany for example, he gains so much new future prospects in a short time, in condition of his education. A non-educated person will have more problems to get a chance in a country like Germany. First problem will be the language. It is quite necessary for immigrants to be able to speak and handle in the local language. Not only for their registration to the country but also to gain faster the acceptance from the local inhabitants. Home is there, where you are welcome.
    Another fact is the speculations about unemployment because of educated immigrants. In local hospitals for example you can find many doctors who came from another country. But is it a mistake to choose high skilled medicals instead of local less skilled medicals?
    One more opportunity is today’s possibilities worldwide. As the world globalizes in terms of nations’ economies, trade and investment, borders are opened up more easily for “freer” flow of goods and products. People are supposedly freer to move around the world, too.
    Another important thing is that we have not to forget that immigration appeared already a long time ago. Europe’s history has been shaped by migration. For centuries, merchants, craftsmen and intellectuals crossed the continent to practice their trades or start new lives. Millions emigrated from Europe, first to the colonies and later to the Americas and the Antipodes. Europe also has a long history of forced migration: from the expulsion of the Jews from Spain to the population shifts in southeast Europe caused by the many wars between the Russian, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires. Large-scale immigration into Western Europe is more recent.

  7. Pt 2

    Since the late 1980s, the number of people applying for asylum has increased sharply. In 1984 there were only 104,000 applications in Western Europe. This figure grew to 692,000 in 1992 and then declined during much of the 1990s. Numbers grew again to 350,000 in 1998 and about 400,000 in 1999, although this year they have begun to fall away. Thus asylum has become one of the principal means of immigration into the EU (numbers from Wiki). But in some EU states, asylum has become a totemic issue. It overlaps with other emotional matters such as ethnicity and identity, revealing an illiberal streak in liberal democracies. But we should keep things in perspective. It may have been easier for migrants to enter the UK 100 years ago, but once there they were far more likely to face violence and had nothing like the legal and social protection of today’s welfare states. None the less, demagogues can exploit resentment of “the other”, especially when there is no obvious gap in the job market for refugees to fill. Overall, refugees are only a small burden on taxpayers – but this may not be how it seems in areas of high refugee density (in Britain this means a few London boroughs or towns like Dover), where migrants share services such as schools, hospitals and housing with the poorest locals.
    To decide if immigration is a good thing or a bad thing you should inform about so many points like: Are those immigrated people educated and pretty helpful for the country or aren’t they? Are they able to integrate with their culture and to follow the rules of the country? Do they need help or are they searching for a new live in another country?
    To learn new cultures and to collect experiences with foreigner is very interest and enjoys. But political aspects should not be forgot. It is sure, that the EU economy will require an increase in selective primary immigration.

  8. Summary:
    The German air traffic control has extended the start ban on airplanes from Germany. Reason for it is the Icelandic volcano which has broken out few days ago and still volcanic ash.
    In Austria starts and landings are permitted since 5 o'clock again.
    Lufthansa boss Wolfgang Mayrhuber rejected the blockage of the airspaces in Europe because of the volcano cinder as groundless. With the examination of the cinder cloud they have come to the result, „that the mixing is so big meanwhile that here no danger exists.
    The German minister of transport accuses the airlines of putting turnover before security.
    On Sunday evening a machine of the British finished airways a nearly 3-hour test flight without problems. The airplane certainly landed on the airport of Cardiff in Wales.
    The jumbo jet has flown aboard during about 1 hour on a height of more than 12,000 meters. Now a detailed investigation should bring knowledge about possible effects of the volcano cinder cloud.
