Thursday, 11 March 2010

Google - a brief analysis

Google was founded in California in 1998, and began mainly by providing search engine services with a successful revenue model based on user targeted advertising and search engine result optimization. Since then it has exploded into a major global player, provided an array of products and services that have come to threaten the giants of the internet, although 97% of it's income still comes from advertising. It's revenue in 2009 was 23.6 billion US dollars.
Google also provide a number of software products and services including Google Earth, YouTube, Google Mail, Google Docs and also hardware in the form of the Nexus One mobile phone and server hardware.
Google's latest plans for providing an open source operating system combined with a range of apps is set to revolutionize the use of computers and the internet by utilising cloud computing to provide a holistic range of services, all based on open source software.
Google is one of the world's most powerful brands and one of it's best employers. Google has however been criticized for it's privacy policy and many are concerned about issues of copyright concerning the Google Books service and censorship relating to it's operations in China.
Google's vision statement is “Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful”
The future looks bright for Google. According to rumors, they are planning to introduce a netbook in 2010 using the Google Chrome OS, which is based on the Android OS (ultimately this is Linux).

10 Things Google has found to be true
1.Focus on the user and all else will follow
2.It's best to do one thing really, really well
3.Fast is better than slow
4.Democracy on the web works
5.You don't need to be at your desk to need an answer
6.You can make money without doing evil
7.There's always more information out there
8.The need for information crosses all borders
9.You can be serious without a suit
10.Great just isn't good enough


  1. All eyes on Google
    Google search is the biggest and most used web search engine owned by Google Inc.
    Google was developed by the Stanford philosophy students Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1996. First, it was thought as a digital library system and it was funded through the National Science Foundation.
    The first used website domain for Google was a Stanford university domain called The registration of the original known domain was on September 15, 1997. The following formally incorporation of the company, Google Inc. was on 4th September 1998 at a friend’s garage in California.
    The name "Google" accrues from a misspelling of "googol, which refers to the number represented by a 1 followed by one-hundred zeros which helped illustrate Google's monumental mission: Organizing billions of bytes of data found on the Web.
    At first, the students' goal was to make an efficient search engine that gave users relevant links in response to search requests. The searching results rest on a patent procedure which calculates the so-called Page Rank. This represents the link popularity.
    While that's still Google's core purpose today, the company now provides services ranging from e-mail and document storage to productivity software and mobile phone operating systems. In less than a decade, Google evolved from a two-man enterprise to a multibillion-dollar corporation.
    The philosophy of Google is to create the perfect searching machine which is simply faster than other search engines in the web and which exactly recognize what the user means and show up the desired results. Their vision is to organize all information of the world and make them universally useful.

    Referring to this, Google set a huge value about their 10 key points.
    1. Focus on the user and all else will follow.
    2. It's best to do one thing really, really well.
    3. Fast is better than slow.
    4. Democracy on the web works.
    5. You don't need to be at your desk to need an answer.
    6. You can make money without doing evil.
    7. There's always more information out there.
    8. The need for information crosses all borders.
    9. You can be serious without a suit.
    10. Great just isn't good enough.

    According to their business, Google earns their money from several services and products. The oft-overlooked money-making machine for Google is advertising, which allows Google to make its profits off its sites and other sites that participate in Google's advertising schemes. Another money source would be sponsored links. These are advertisers that make a business agreement with Google in order to get their ads displayed alongside the results of the most appropriate searches.
    Moreover, Google provides a number of free services like Google earth, Google Mail or YouTube and they sell hardware like servers or mobile phones.
    Referring to further money sources in the future, Google plans to introduce a source software combined with apps which will be charged.
    Google shows up a total revenue of 24 billion $ in 2009. As a result, this revenue belongs to 98% to its advertising. The market share of more than 80% makes Google to a worldwide leader referring to search engine providers. This is a monopoly status, which normally is forbidden in the free market economy.

    These business facts show up one of the most criticized points about Google. People fear that a monopoly of Google will influence the future exchange of information in the internet. Another critical point would be their privacy policy. According to this our digital is observed and overviewed by Google which means total control and supervision of our private information. For example with help of our IP-addresses and cookies they are able to make personal profile of each person using Google. Other critical points to discuss would be the service of Google Books concerning to private policy and their censorship relating to its operations in China.

  2. Google Inc.
    In the following report we would like to bring the Google Incorporation closer to you. We will introduce the company and its main field and also point out critics.

    The Google Incorporation is a multinational public cloud computing and Internet search technologies corporation. It all started in 1998 Menlo Park, California where founders Sergey M. Brin and Lawrence E. Page had the brilliant Idea of creating an Internet searching engine that provides information for users around the world within seconds. Besides the searching engine, Google is also hosts and developer of different Apps and new possibility of technology for our generation. Its headquarters is in Mountain View California occupied with the three key people Lawrence E. Page (Products President), Sergey M. Brin (Technology President) and Eric E. Schmidt (Chairman & CEO). With a profit of US$ 6.520 billion, an Operating income of US$ 23.651 and have 19.835 employees worldwide. Over one million data centers around the world are run by Google and not only that the company also processes more than billion of search request every day. Google has become one of the major technology companies in the World. Furthermore, they are the biggest competitive of the Microsoft monopoly.
    The main income part of the company is in the advertizing branch. Over ninety nine percent the revenue is deduce from its advertising programs. Google has a huge influence on the online advertizing market.
    Using Google is very easy. All you have to do is tip in the title of the information you are looking for and Google provides it. Furthermore, user can choose between web, image, Videos, Maps, News and the option of opening an email account. Google indexes billions of Web pages and user are able to search for information they need through the use of operators and keywords. Several desktop applications like Picasa, Google Desktop, Sketch Up and Google earth are available to their users.
    There are not only pros about Google but also cons. Critics are also out there especially Authors who dislike the fact that their books can be find on Google so people can read it which means they do not need to go to a store and buy the book itself.

  3. Google Inc.

    In the following report we would like to bring the Google Incorporation closer to you. We will introduce the company and its main field and also point out criticisms.

    The Google Incorporation is a multinational public cloud computing and Internet search technologies corporation. It all started at Menlo Park, California in 1998 where founders Sergey M. Brin and Lawrence E. Page had the brilliant idea of creating an Internet search engine that provides information for users around the world within seconds. Besides the search engine, Google also hosts and are developers of different apps and new possibilities for technologies for our generation. Its headquarters are in Mountain View California occupied with the three key people Lawrence E. Page (Products President), Sergey M. Brin (Technology President) and Eric E. Schmidt (Chairman & CEO). They boast a profit of US$ 6.520 billion, an operating income of US$ 23.651 bn and have 19,835 employees worldwide. Over one million data centers around the world are run by Google and not only that, the company also processes more than a billion search requests every day. Google has become one of the major technology companies in the world. Furthermore, they are the biggest competitors of the Microsoft monopoly.

    The main income part of the company is in the advertizing branch. Over ninety nine percent of their revenue is derived from its advertizing programs. Google has a huge influence on the online advertizing market.

    Using Google is very easy. All you have to do is type in a keyword of the information you are looking for and Google provides it. Furthermore, users can choose between web, image, videos, maps, news and the option of opening an email account. Google indexes billions of web pages and users are able to search for information they need through the use of operators and keywords. Several desktop applications like Picasa, Google Desktop, Sketch Up and Google Earth are available to their users.

    There are not only pros about Google but also cons. Critics are also out there especially authors who dislike the fact that their books can be found on Google, so people can read it, which means they do not need to go to a store and buy the book itself.

  4. Google Inc.
    I have been asked to write a report about the Google Incorporation. I am going to explain some facts about this huge enterprise.

    Google Inc. is a very big Internet search engine and internet technologies corporation. It develops a lot of Internet-based services and products. The most profit is from advertising through a special program, called “AdWords program”. The enterprise was founded at September, 4th in year 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in Menlo Park, California.

    Today, headquarter of Google Inc. is in Mountain View, California in the United States. Google had an operating income in 2009 from approximately 8.3 billion US Dollars and a profit of approximately 6.5 billion US Dollars. All over the world they have over 19.800 employees within all their subsidiaries like YouTube LLC, DoubleClick, GrandCentral and Picnik.

    The search engine of Google is only one of the services today and probably the most popular. Google indexes billions of Web pages, so that users can search for the information they want, with the help of using keywords and operators it is very easy to find out for the users worldwide. They have also employed the Web search technology into other search services like Image search, Google News, product search, Google Maps and more.

    It is interesting that Google is known for its informal corporate culture, because its corporate philosophy embodies is full of such casual principles as “you can make money without doing evil” or “you can be serious without a suit” and “work should be challenging and the challenge should be fun”.

    It has to be considered, that Google Inc. is planning to install thousands of solar panels to save some electricity for the headquarters energy needs. One can say Google is taking steps to ensure that their operations are environmentally up to date.

    All in all, Google Inc. is a huge company with much potential to stay in business for many years. A good leading ship and management will save the existence of Google for a very long time.

  5. Google
    The goal or vision of Google consists of organizing information existing in the world and make them accessible and usable:
    “Google mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful”
    In many Google Domains you get fast information and in many languages, stock exchange courses, road plans and headlines, telephone numbers etc.
    The users have besides of this, different possibilities to access all these information, without having to visit specially the Google Website. Those Google’s Toolbar makes possible the using of Google searches of any website out. And if you do not have a straight access to your PC, you can Google over a row of mobile platforms to use, including WAP i- mode cellphone.
    Google puts a large worth on the image and their corporate Identity.
    Ten points that Google proved:
    The user stands in the first place, all further one result of it self
    The best is to make a thing correctly good
    Fast is better than slow
    The democracy in the Internet works
    Questions do not just arise, if you sit at your desk
    One can make money, without harming someone thereby
    There is still more information somewhere
    The need for information exceeds all borders
    One can be respectable, without carrying a suit
    Greatly is simply not good enough
    Although Google is already the best worldwide search engine the company goal is after all never to be satisfied with satisfaction.
    Google distinguish itself on the basis of the following four aspects from their competitor: Speed, accuracy, objectivity and user friendliness. The clear arrangement of the website leaves no questions of the information search open to the users and search results are strictly separated from adverts.
    Google developers recognized from the beginning that a new kind of server configuration was necessary, in order to supply as fast as possible the most exact results. The software, which Google puts behind the search technology, accomplishes a set of computations in a fraction of one second at the same time. Conventional search engines rely above all on how often a term appears on website.
    Google uses PageRank, in order to analyze and find the entire link structure out of the Internet, which sides the most important are. The system accomplishes then an analysis regarding hypertext agreement, in order to determine, which sides for the respective retrieval are relevant. Google combines total importance with the relevance for a specific retrieval query and is therefore in the situation to specify the most relevant and most reliable results first.
