Short Story's tail
Short Story went out for a walk and got lost while deep in thought.
As it was getting dark in the forest Short Story came across a
curious white cat with a fluffy tail.
"Where's your tail?" asked the cat, looking a bit puzzled.
"I've no idea!" cried Short Story. "It all started so well, but I
got lost and now I've forgotten everything." Short Story looked quite sad
and stared at the ground. The ground stared back.
"So how does your tale start? Asked the cat curiously.
"I've forgotten!" wailed Story, who promptly burst into tears. The
ground thought it was raining and formed a tiny puddle.
The cat sat down and thought for a while. "Oh dear, you are in
trouble." I tell you what, I'll give you my tail"
"That's terribly kind of you, but I couldn't possible take your
tail. You'd look odd without one." Story replied.
As he did so, Short Story noticed that the cat was sitting in the
tiny puddle and that a second tail was growing. The cat looked down,
took off her new tail and stuck it on the end of Short Story who
immediately felt complete.
"So tails can grow from tears" exclaimed Short Story.
"It appears some can, but you have to see through your tears first."
And that's how Short Story found the origin of tails :)
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