My comment
30 November 2011 10:25AM
Yes indeed, we are the willing victims of our own miserable destiny.
do people put up with such injustice? Teaching is one of the noblest
and most important of careers and yet we are paid a pittance. Indeed the
trend in teaching is for outsourcing, so that we have no company
pension, or sick pay and you can forget about unemployment insurance.
Society has been designed to reward greed, especially at the highest level. We expect the
rich to dodge paying taxes. Companies that do not base themselves in
tax havens are seen as being unsustainable in a global market. Unions
are scorned upon (Osborne you bastard, it was the unions that gave the
poor dignity and self respect in the factories your fathers owned. You
are taking this away with a sneer).
No wonder then that people are
going on strike today: Osborne has provoked this conflict, just like
Thatcher did in order to get away with the selling of the country's
silver in the eighties. That's when the rot really set in. Appeals to
individual self enrichment were followed by a society keen to believe in
the hollow promises spun by our rich masters.
What fools we are!
The dream, the promises: All lies. The free market economy a scam to
make the rich richer on a scale never before experienced. In the past
the rich landlord was reliant on his peasant workers to farm the land.
No more. The rich can outsource their workers to the cheapest bidder and
store their wealth far away from the taxman. They have no respect, or
ties to any country.
I am reminded of John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath.
Like back then in the dust bowl years of the USA we are forced into
taking any poorly paid job in order to survive, undermining each other
as we do so. And the jobless are told to be grateful for getting unpaid
jobs in supermarkets (those great British institutions according to the
Tories), as it somehow "looks good on our CVs"!
So get out and be outraged. You should be.
Why do people put up with such injustice? Teaching is one of the noblest and most important of careers and yet we are paid a pittance. Indeed the trend in teaching is for outsourcing, so that we have no company pension, or sick pay and you can forget about unemployment insurance.
Society has been designed to reward greed, especially at the highest level. We expect the rich to dodge paying taxes. Companies that do not base themselves in tax havens are seen as being unsustainable in a global market. Unions are scorned upon (Osborne you bastard, it was the unions that gave the poor dignity and self respect in the factories your fathers owned. You are taking this away with a sneer).
No wonder then that people are going on strike today: Osborne has provoked this conflict, just like Thatcher did in order to get away with the selling of the country's silver in the eighties. That's when the rot really set in. Appeals to individual self enrichment were followed by a society keen to believe in the hollow promises spun by our rich masters.
What fools we are! The dream, the promises: All lies. The free market economy a scam to make the rich richer on a scale never before experienced. In the past the rich landlord was reliant on his peasant workers to farm the land. No more. The rich can outsource their workers to the cheapest bidder and store their wealth far away from the taxman. They have no respect, or ties to any country.
I am reminded of John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath. Like back then in the dust bowl years of the USA we are forced into taking any poorly paid job in order to survive, undermining each other as we do so. And the jobless are told to be grateful for getting unpaid jobs in supermarkets (those great British institutions according to the Tories), as it somehow "looks good on our CVs"!
So get out and be outraged. You should be.