Thursday, 11 November 2010

Food and drink

Food & Drink
You are what you eat.
What do you eat?
I eat junk.
If you eat healthy food, you should be healthy.
If you eat healthy food you could also be ill, but not from the food, right?

If you drink English tea, you should become English…

Typical English tea is a mixture, or blend of different varieties, such as Ceylon, Assam & Darjeeling. There is also Kenyan, Rwandan, and tea from China. Earl Grey is a mixture of tea with flavouring from bergamot orange.
What is tea? Dried leaves of various plants.
Tea is a generic term. The opposite is specific.
There is the tea plant, which grows at over 1,200 meters above sea level.

I am on a diet – meaning you are eating less, or eating more – as in a sport diet. Both mean a change of diet.
What do you eat (or consume)?
Types of consumer:
If you eat at the Mensa, you are a Mensavore.
If you only eat vegetables and fruit you are a vegan. Vegans do not eat anything that comes from animals, insects, or seafood.
If you only eat insects, you are an insectivore. Examples food are locusts, ants, termites etc. E.g. anteaters
A vegetarian does not eat meat, but they sometimes eat seafood and also dairy products. This includes milk, cheese, yoghurt & eggs.
Squid & octopus are both closely related: Group of animals known as Cephalopods, which includes jellyfish.
If you only eat meat, or insects you are a carnivore.
Carnival – meat eating festival.
If you only eat fruit you are a fruitivore. E.g. the fruit bat, or some strange people. The urang utan is another example.
If you only drink blood you are a vampire, or a Masai.
Veins and arteries.
If you eat both vegetables and meat (everything in fact!) you are an omnivore. Most of us are omnivores.
If you eat people you are a cannibal.

Is there anything you don’t eat?
Insects, dogs, cats, horses, people? Raisins, spinach, sauerkraut, caraway, cucumber, gherkins,
pickled food e.g. pickled onions, eggs.
I don’t eat any of the things above and I also don’t eat chips (French fries).
Crisps are snacks.
What do you eat? What’s your favourite food?
Pizza. Fast food?
Why become vegetarian?
It healthy, or healthier?
We do not need to eat meat to survive. Meat is often contaminated with diseases and toxins and medicines such as antibiotics, growth hormones etc.
Animal rights, animal cruelty (factory farming),
Slow food is regional, traditional, enjoyable, healthy food.
My favourite German food is goose, served with dumplings and cabbage. St. Martins goose is a tradition.
What is the most common dish in England?
Beans on toast? Maybe.
Haggis is stuffed sheep’s stomach.
Clue: It’s not fish and chips. Cod was the food of the poor because it was cheap, but we fished out all the cod and that was the end of cheap fish.
It is Chicken tikka masala.
Finger food is food you can eat with your fingers.
I eat chicken…
What is good food?
No artificial substances (E-numbers for example), pesticides, artificial fertilisers (NPK)
N = Nitrates
P = phosphates
K = Potassium
If you do not use any artificial fertilisers, or chemicals in farming your food is organic (Bio in German).
Babies are very sensitive to trace amounts of chemicals. E.g. DDT, PCB’s etc.
FYI: LD50. Toxicology is the study of poisonous substances.
Meme = an information virus (from Richard Dawkins)
Ethics in food:
Hygiene (disease control) e.g. salmonella in egg production. Factory farms for chickens are unhygienic for example.
Conditions in which the animals live.
Health issues. How good for you is this food?
Junk food: Unhealthy food. Fast food.
Examples include McDonalds, Pizza Hut, KFC.
Fast food kills variety, but variety is the spice of life.
Kebab? Is a kebab unhealthy? Why? What makes food healthy, or unhealthy? It depends on where the ingredients come from.
Too much fat (uncountable)*
*Much and many: Much is uncountable. Many can be counted. For example: Wine.
Healthy food. Slow food. A balanced diet.
The ingredients are good for you. What does the body need?
Vitamins (fruit & veg also sugar), protein (eggs), minerals (NaCl, Ca, Mg, Fe etc), fats (unsaturated (in plants) & saturated fats (e.g. in meat)), carbohydrates (bread, rice, pasta, starch and fibre).
Carrots – vitamin A accumulates (builds up) in the body. Vitamin A is deadly in high amounts.
Too much of a good thing is bad for you.
Vitamin C however, passes through the body.
Vitamin D comes from sunlight. That is why we suffer in the winter (SAD disorder). Think of disease, or ill at ease. Sick is an old word, which also to throw.
Prefix – e.g. dis something negative.

Fluids, especially water.

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