Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Left handedness - why?

Most people are right handed. Have any of you ever wondered why? Only left-handed really tend to think about this. So why are about 10% of us left-handed?

The answer may be simple: The division of labour. Left-handedness also offers an evolutionary advantage in combat an evasion if small numbers do the unexpected. This is explained in game theory.

1 comment:

  1. Left handedness

    Left-handed people are persons, who prefer the left hand use instead of the right hand use. Left handedness is really uncommon and only six to ten percent of our population are left handed. Often left-handed people are re-educated on the right hand but most of them show up some degree of ambidexterity, which is the equivalent use of both hands.

    To this day, scienctists have been unable to come up with a satisfactory explanation for handedness and dominance of brain in genral. The only fact seems to be that people with preferences for one side of the body over the other seem to function better.

    A probable explanation for left handedness could be the division of labour. Referring to this, the hand orientation is starting in developing fetuses. This genetic explanation sounds satisfying but Science discovered only a gene which causes increased odds to get left-handed and which is not a full explanation to the issue. Other possible biological reasons for left handedness could be the Geschwind theory. This theory relates left-handedness to higher rates of testosterone before birth.

    Beside the biological theories, there also exist social and evolutianary explanations why a minortiy of people are left-handed.
    Looking at handedness from a historical point of view, being right-handed was a distinct advantage when it came to defense. Because the heart is on the left side of the body, it would make sense to hold the shield on the left side, and take the left arm, to defend it. This means that the left arm was passive for most of a man's life, while the right arm was actively used.

    Nevertheless, the contrary could have been the case too. If a small minority of soldiers or athletes were left-handed, their opponents had massive problems to justify. It is always a surprise if small numbers of people do the unexpected. This aspect is mentioned in the „Game theory“.

    However being left-handed could not have been an evolutionary advantage because today the majority of people are right-handed.
    As a result of this, our modern world and society behaves pretty headstrong, selfish and produces a lot of disadvantages in the everyday life of left-handed people.

    Most of our technical gadgets and tools are concepted for right-handed people, because it is the majority. Writing pencils, computer mouse, kitchen knifes, scissors or music instruments are just a few examples of everyday life disadvantages.

    As a final statement one can say, that science still is searching the satisfying reason of left-handedness but several evolutionary theses refer to the circumstances of advantages and disadvantages during combats. Furthermore the disparities for left-handed people in relation to tools and other stuff are numerous and really unjustified. To cut a long story short, left-handedness keeps being a mystery.
