Thursday, 18 February 2010

Plug-in hybrids

Here the link to the video

Why electric cars?

1.Energy supplies – peak oil
2.Climate change
3.Energy security – fighting wars for oil
4.Money – it will become cheaper to use electric vehicles.

Electricity production

Sustainable energy is free & unlimited? Remember nothing is for free...

One thing is for sure: The Sun will shine tomorrow!

Hydropower – reserviors and dams. Large hydro is not sustainable.
Pumped storage is useful.

Demand profile over 24 hours. - the graph of demand and supply.

How is it possible to reduce peak demand?

When demand is low at night power stations must keep running, to provide a spinning reserve.

How is it possible to know if a car is fully charged or not?

What did GE present? Smart grids. An intelligent communication network.

What is a smart meter?

A special meter is needed to control demand. The latest are called smart meters.

Peak demand usually occurs in the afternoon.

Flexible pricing is currently only available to larger consumers, but it must be available to all.

Demand management uses stored energy from batteries by employing intelligent controls. Communication is set up between the provider and the consumer via the grid (see Gridwise). Smart meters in the buildings make it possible to control the devices in that building.

Electric supply issues:
Black outs - a complete loss of power.
Brown outs – a serious reduction of supply.

UPS systems – uninterruptable power supplies help avoid this problem by using batteries, but they are expensive and limited in capacity.

84% refers to what figure?

ROI – return on investment = the time needed to get your money back. Break even point. After that you make a profit.

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